Thursday 16 May 2013

Thankful Thursday

Happy Thursday people! I'm starting to really enjoy this day of the week, not just because this post is a reminder of all the good things in the world but also because it reminds it that in a few hours it will be Friday which means...nearly the weekend!

First off I suppose I should appologise for the lack of BEDM posts in the last couple of days. But honestly I've been off having a blast away from my laptop so I'm not too sorry. I'm going to get back on it with today's BEDM challenge though; to share something difficult about your 'lot in life' and how you are working to overcome it. Honesty I'd say my 'lot' is pretty good; I'm happy, I'm enjoying life. But if you require an answer then I'd say the only niggly thing is having a long-distance relationship, or the prospect of having to continue long-distance over at least another year. But honestly, however difficult it can be, those amazing times when we are together and that smile on his face when I step off the train is worth the distance a millions times over. Onwards and upwards to the things I am thankful for this week.

Zachary Quinto's existance
Lunch dates with my favourite Lancaster girl
My amazing mother who came on fieldwork, didn't complain about the rain and even brought chocolate
Amazon vouchers I forgot I had
That real life is nothing like the Apprentice boardroom
The fact that in a year's time I will be packing for a cruise, baby, yeah!
The boyfriend has only one assignment until he has finished university for the summer (yay!) and forever (boo!)
Friends who have cars
The new super awesome A Beautiful Mess app

Here are some quick examples of photos adapted using the A Beautiful Mess app. I don't usually pay for apps but for only 69p you can make photos so much more quirky and fun that I could justify it to myself. Expect me to use it for loads of blog post photos from now on.

My bed was so comfy that I couldn't find the determination to get up off it and take some photos for this post.
So I didn't bother and took them anyway!

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  1. You have gorgeous eyes! Where are you going on a cruise to?

  2. Ah thank you!
    Going the Med, so Spain, Gibraltar, Morrocco, those sort of places. Literally don't think I can wait a whole year, I'm waaay too excited!


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