Monday 27 May 2013

Ten Things I Love About Being Home

As its the long bank holiday weekend I thought I spent it at home with the parental department. It's been a great weekend with some amazing sunshine; I burnt my ear like a pro ginge. It all makes me actually quite excited to be moving back home from a month in August between when my work placement ends and the new university term starts. So for this Ten Things post I thought I would list the ten things that I enjoy about being back north.

1. The shopping. It is tradition to go shopping with the mothership whenever I'm home for the weekend. Today we went to the Metrocentre and I bought these two dresses from Primark for £5 each  - bargain!

2. The food. How is it that the cupboard is always full of delicious goodies? I'm definitely not complaining!

3. The freebies. I always find things in my wardrobe at home which I'd completely forgotten about. It's like getting free clothes. And sometimes this actually is the case; this weekend my mum gave me these bright red brogues which she bought ages ago and never wore because their too small. Don't mind if I do!

4. The samples. My dissertation research required lots of stream water samples. And my mother is very kind enough to offer to come and help me with the job, especially on the sunniest day I've ever been at Moor House. Saturday will go down in history as the first day I ever wore just a t-shirt at Moor House.

5. The DVDs. Most of my DVD collection and boxsets reside at home. Many joyous wars gradually turning my eyes square.

6. The towels. Does anyone else find that the towels at home are so must softer?....

7. The work. My parents are in the middle of a massive project of re-modelling their garden. This weekend I worked to tunr over and move a giant mountain of soil and make a raised bed. And then I planted this rose. Today I can feel the ache, but it's a good one like the burn after you've exercised.

Excuse the odd attire!
8. The Tesco visit. I miss just being able to pop down into town and pick up a teeth decaying feast for a fiver.

9. The talk. (I'm being sarcastic, no one in their right mind enjoy The Talk) What am I going to do when I finish uni? How I am going to afford it? Where am I going to work over the summer? I don't know. Now let me watch X-Men in peace

10. The roast dinner. I know I've already said food but, come on, a roast dinner is in a whole league of it's own! Especially with gravy, lots and lots of gravy.

I hope that you've all had a super-amazing bank holiday weekend. Can it not just last one more day, pretty please?

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